
Cool Facts About Cedar Ridge Siding

Cool Facts About Cedar Ridge Siding, Conservation Construction, Free Quotes & 25% Off

Cool Facts About Cedar Ridge Siding

In a world full of different siding options why choose Cedar Ridge? There are so many cool facts about Cedar Ridge Siding so we thought we’d fill you in on them today. That way, when you are ready to get a siding replacement, you have all the options for an informed decision. 


Fact # 1 

Fact #10 We are the only dealer in Denver that sells this neat siding. We are an exclusive retailer so we have all the samples and expertise on this  wonderful siding. You can get your free in-homde quote today to learn more. 

Fact # 2 Cedar Ridge is the only insulated siding that uses Neopor, a graphite enhanced EPS foam that increases the R-value — or measure of thermal resistance by up to 19% versus traditional insulation. High-purity graphite gives this siding a reflective property. It reflects radiant heat over and over as it moves through the insulation. This mean it significantly slows down the heat transfer from the sun into your house. 

Fact # 3 

Cedar Ridge has options for mix and match colors. You can pick multiple colors for your house that accent the main color. All of the accessories for Cedar Ridge Siding are meant to fit seamlessly on the windows, doors and trim! You house will look spectacular and be the talk of the block. 

Fact # 4 

It has a hand-milled cedar grain appearance so it looks exactly like real wood, but it’s more energy efficient this way! 

Fact # 5

Cedar Ridge Siding is Highly resistant to impact. Hail and extreme winds don’t affect the siding.  It is wind resistant up to 160 mph. If you choose this siding you are choosing protection for your home for life. 

Fact # 6 

Cedar Ridge Siding is the most noise reducing siding on the market today. Get your siding replaced with Cedar Ridge and it’s like you’ll be living inside a library. It’s been known to reduce outside noise in a home by up to 45%. 

Fact # 7 

It creates an entire moisture management system for your home. It was designed to prevent water from getting behind siding panels to protect against mold, rot and other damages to the foundation. 

Fact # 8

Perhaps one of the best benefits of Cedar Ridge Siding is that it comes backed with Lifetime Limited Warranties. The warranties have you covered for any reason at all! 

Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve learned a ton of useful information about Cedar Ridge Siding. Remember that it’s durable, energy efficient, quiets outside noise, comes in mix and match colors, and has lifetime warranties. If you are in need of new siding you can get your free quote by clicking here. Comment below on what your favorite Cedar Ridge siding Fact was. Thanks for reading and we will see you next time.