
Funny Facts About Windows, Siding, and Doors

Funny Facts About Windows, Siding, and Doors, Conservation Construction

Funny Facts About Windows, Siding, and Doors


In today’s article we will be covering all things windows, siding and doors. Keep reading to learn some interesting and funny facts about these products. If you are in need of new windows, siding, or doors you can reach out to us today for your free quote! Our experts are here to help you to get your dream home without ever having to move! 


 The word “window” in English originates from Old Norse vindauga. This is a combination of wind and eye, translating to wind eye.


Front doors have the twin purpose of inviting people in and keeping people out. In the same way that a quality door can attract the attention of neighbors and buyers, it can deter the attention of burglars. The front door remains a common point of entry for home intruders.

Siding is like layering blankets or clothing on a cool day. The more you put on, the more resistance to the outside temperature and environment your house will have.

You will see a reduction in the cost of heating and cooling your home with new siding replacement. Anything you can do to increase energy efficiency will also lower the carbon footprint of your house. Siding is amazing in that it looks great, is durable, and helps create less pollution.


For bathrooms and other spaces that require privacy, you can get frosted or bubbled glass that lets light in but limits the view.

You might be surprised how strong vinyl can be during a windy day. While it may look easy to pull off, vinyl siding can withstand strong winds of up to 145mph. 


Window glass takes about 1 million years to decompose, which is why it’s important to recycle windows.


The largest window out in space is Capula, a dome with a diameter of 2.95 metres and a height of 1.5 meters, offering the astronauts of the ISS an incredible view

The longest football punt into a door frame was set by Stacy Driscoll. This record setter punted a football into the door of a building from a distance of 42 feet nine inches away. 

Final Thoughts


Thank you for reading today’s article. We hope you enjoyed all these fun facts. If you think we missed any truly amazing facts please comment them below. We will see you back here again next week for another article on one of our amazing products. 

One Response to “Funny Facts About Windows, Siding, and Doors”

  1. If this blog is a reflection of the company’s approach to its services, count me in as a potential customer. I appreciate a team that not only takes their work seriously but also knows how to have fun with it. Looking forward to exploring your services further and maybe sharing a laugh or two during the process!