
Easy Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill

Easy Way to Reduce Your Energy Bill, Conservation Construction, Free Quotes

Easy Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill

In these hot months to come we’re sure everybody is looking for ways to reduce their energy costs. With energy costs skyrocketing in the past few months, it’s always a good idea to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep those costs down. Keep reading to learn some way to reduce your energy cost. 


Windows, Siding, and Doors

With the A/C Running it’s always good to make sure your windows, siding, and doors are working for you and not against you. They should keep all that cool air you’re pumping into your house inside, and keep all that hot air outside. The fastest way to get top-notch energy efficiency is to replace old windows, siding and doors with new energy efficient products like the ones we sell at Conservation Construction. New energy efficient windows, siding, and doors can reduce your energy costs by up to 40%. That’s a huge savings when you think of year long bills and all around comfort. The great thing about new windows too is that they act as a barrier between harsh UV rays. So you’ll get all the sunshine without the heat! 



A new thermostat can help you reduce your costs because you can regulate the temperature of your home from wherever you are. This means if you left the A/C on high unnecessarily, then you can adjust it while away to save you money on those costs. A smart thermostat has been known to save users up to 8% off their total energy costs. This savings is still significant! 


Keep Your Fridge Full

Everyone always tells you to keep the fridge closed. But did you know that keeping your fridge and freezer full can also save money? Food acts as insulation and lessens the amount of time that the fridge has to run to stay cool. Additionally, adjust the temperature of your fridge and freezer just a little and this can also reduce your energy costs significantly. If your storage temperatures are just 10°F lower than necessary, your refrigerator can use up to 25% more energy! 


Shut Down Your Computer At Night

It sounds simple, but most people don’t do it. If you simply shut off your computer at night it can save you money. Even hitting the power button on one computer that you often leave on during the work week and sometimes over the weekend can save you $34 a year. If you shut them all off at night you could be saving yourself a ton of money!


Final Thoughts

As you can see, if you’re able to change just a few simple things in your home it adds up to huge savings over the year. Remember that window, siding, and door replacement can save you up to 40% off your total energy costs, and is a great way to reduce your overall yearly energy expenditure. If you are in need of a free quote for window, siding, or door replacement please visit our website here for your free quote. Thank you for reading today’s article and we will see you next week.