
Energy Efficient Colored Windows

Conservation Construction, Window Replacement, Replacement Colored Windows

Energy Efficient Colored Windows

Energy Efficient Windows don’t just come in white any longer. You can get energy efficient windows that match the style of your house and give you a totally unique look. Energy efficient windows are so important right now. With energy costs on the rise and seemingly no end to this shift, it’s important to have windows in your home that are not only beautiful, but functional. Function includes energy efficiency. Keep reading to learn more about how much windows could save you all year long!


Energy Costs On The Rise

The forecast for U.S. residential price of electricity will average 14.9 cents per kilowatthour in 2022. That is an 8% increase over 2021 prices, and it’s only getting higher. Higher retail electricity prices largely reflect an increase in wholesale power prices, which are driven by higher natural gas prices. With so much energy being spent heating and cooling our houses it’s important to have energy efficient exterior products like windows. Energy efficient windows ensure that all your money being spent on energy stays inside where it belongs and doesn’t leak out outside. In fact, my own energy bill in Colorado has gone up almost 30% from last year. 


How Much Is Leaking Out Of Your Old Windows?

If you’ve noticed your furnace kicking on more often than last year, it could be coming on more due to inefficient windows. Heat gain and heat loss through windows are responsible for 25%–30% of residential heating and cooling energy use. That is a huge energy loss if you have windows which are old. All the air you’re pumping into your house to make it warm could just be seeping right out through the windows. 


Energy Efficient Windows 

Just as inefficient windows can cause you a huge loss in energy, new windows can save you up to 40% off your energy loss. Once we install energy efficient windows they start working to help the energy loss in your home. From the first day you may notice your furnace kicking on less, and your energy bills going down. 



You can now choose from a wide array of colors to choose from with your new window installation as well. The color of your windows don’t affect the energy efficiency of the new windows at all. Ask a sales associate today on what colors we offer and how we might accommodate your style in your home with new Window Replacement. 


What Makes Our Window So Energy Efficient

Our windows are crafted to perfection and measured to fit so you have the tightest seal possible and get the most energy efficient windows. They come filled with Argon gas for better insulation, and come with specialty glass coating to keep your home at a more stable room temperature all year long. It’s all of our exclusive features that we placed into our window that give you supreme energy efficiency all year long. 


Final Thoughts

Energy prices are on the rise and one way to combat those high costs is to get energy efficient window replacement. Contact us today for your free quote and see and feel the difference in your own home today. Finally, our windows come in many colors and can give your home a much needed face lift. Thank you for reading today’s article and we will see you next week for another. Please comment below with what you learned about window replacement.