
Facts About Vinyl Siding

Exsiding Facts About Vinyl Siding, Conservation Construction, Siding Replacement

Facts About Vinyl Siding

Hello and welcome to another article. Today we’re going to be covering some facts you may not know about vinyl siding replacement. Vinyl siding is much more durable than it used to be. It’s taken decades of engineering but new vinyl siding has some great new properties! Keep reading to learn more. 


  1. Vinyl siding is engineered with polyvinyl chloride — the third most popular synthetic plastic polymer in the world! It was first introduced in the 1950s as an alternative to aluminum siding. But its reputation was tarnished in the early days when it cracked, faded, buckled, and sagged. Nowadays new vinyl siding doesn’t have these problems as it was engineered to last a lifetime. 
  2. More than 30% of homes in the U.S. have vinyl siding on them! That makes vinyl the most-used residential siding material in the nation.
  3. Vinyl siding repairs are easier than almost any other siding repairs. Where in other cases, siding repair may require extensive work, vinyl repairs can be as simple as replacing a panel or two.
  4. It requires less maintenance than almost any other type of siding. Unlike wood, it never requires sanding, staining or repainting. 
  5. Compared to other sidings, vinyl is one of the easiest to install. It cuts easily, can be put up quickly, and requires no painting. Though the installation process is simple, prepping for the job requires more effort. Our experts know exactly how to get the job done the right way the first time. 
  6. The benchmark set for vinyl siding under current code standards requires siding to withstand wind pressures equivalent to 110 mph on a building up to 30′ in height, yet most vinyl siding can pass tests for much higher stresses, many times suitable for hurricane-prone areas.
  7. It is durable, cost effective, insect and rot resistant. New, modern types of vinyl siding are actually insect-proof
  8. It comes in a wide variety of colors and textures. 
  9. Since vinyl helps insulate your home, it keeps you nice and warm in the winter. With poorly insulated walls, your heater or furnace has to run constantly to keep your house warm. Siding helps to trap all this warmth inside the home, cutting back on your energy bills.
  10.  We offer free quotes for vinyl siding so you can get a cost estimate without having to even leave your house. We come to you and bring samples making new siding replacement easy peazy. 

Final Thoughts

We hope you’ve enjoyed these vinyl siding facts. There is a lot to know when it comes to new siding replacement and we’ve just scratched the surface. To get even more information about vinyl siding replacement, or to ask about the other sidings we offer at Conservation Construction, please visit our website for your free quote. Please comment below with any fun facts about vinyl siding that you think would be helpful to others. Thank you for reading and we will see you next time.