
Funny Jokes About Windows, Siding, and Doors

Funny Friday Jokes About Windows, Siding, and Doors, Conservation Construction,

Funny Jokes About Windows, Siding, and Doors


Thank you for joining us for another funny Friday article. Keep reading the jokes for a good laugh, and please share them with your friends! If you are in need of windows, siding, or door replacement, remember that we offer 25% off all of our products and free in-home estimates! Let’s get into the jokes! 


Why did the window break up with the curtains?

It couldn’t handle the constant pane in the relationship!


Why did the siding go to therapy?

It had too many unresolved issues with its attachment!


Why did the patio door start telling jokes?

It wanted to open up to new opportunities for humor and slide into the comedy scene!


Why did the front door win the comedy contest?

Because it had the best “knock-knock” jokes in the neighborhood!


Why did the window enroll in a dance class?

It wanted to learn how to sashay without shattering the rhythm!


Why did the siding bring a ladder to the party?

It heard the atmosphere was a bit flat, so it wanted to raise the roof!


Why did the patio door become a detective?

It had a knack for sliding into mysteries and always knew how to uncover the secrets of the backyard!


Why did the front door start a band?

It wanted to make a grand entrance into the music scene and be the key to harmonic success!


Why did the window start a podcast?

It had a pane-ful lot of insights and wanted to shed some light on interesting topics!


Why did the siding get promoted at work?

It had a knack for covering up issues and always knew how to maintain a seamless appearance!


Final Thoughts

Thank you for reading today’s article! As always comment below with what your favorite jokes you think we missed were. Get your free quote for new windows, siding, or doors today!