
Picture Your Home With Picture Windows

Conservation Construction, Window Replacement, Picture Windows,

Picture Your Home With Picture Windows


What is a picture window? Do you have one in your house already? What makes a picture window unique? In today’s article we’ll be covering all these questions and more about the picture window. It’s time to get excited about this amazing picture window so please keep reading to learn more. 


What Is A Picture Window?

A picture window is exactly what it sounds like: a window that creates an unobstructed picture of your outside surroundings. A picture window consists of a single pane of glass without any rails to obstruct the view. Also known as fixed windows—because they don’t open —picture windows let in lots of light. Having them as a fixed rather than opening window reduces the frame size so as not to detract from the view outside. If you have a beautiful surrounding outside, a picture window is a great way to be able to see it every day. 


How To Tell If You Already Have A Picture Window

You can tell if you already have a picture window if you have the type of frame or glass described above. If you have a large fixed window you can tell you have a picture window. But you can switch out a large window with a grid pattern in it to a picture window if you’d like to have better views. Ask one of our experts today about how to get a picture window in your own home.


Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Picture Window

It might seem challenging to determine when to replace your picture window, but there are a few telltale signs. Feeling a breeze inside your home isn’t normal unless you turn on your AC. If you feel one near your window, then the seal around the frame might be damaged, which means you need to replace the window. In addition, excess noise can travel in your home if the picture window is old. If either of these things are happening it’s time to replace your window. That being said you don’t have to wait for these things to occur to get the window replaced. If your window is over 20+ years old it’s well past time to get your window replaced. 


Are Picture Windows Any Less Energy Efficient? 

Because picture windows are stationary and sealed directly within the frame, they are energy efficient by design. Add in the higher grade of Low-E glass that Conservation Construction uses to boost the efficiency, and comfort levels in summer and winter go up exponentially. In fact, our windows have been known to save the average homeowner up to 40% off their total energy costs. If you have noticed your HV/AC system coming on more often than necessary, new windows help reduce the amount it kicks on. 


Lifetime Warranties

All of the products we sell come with Lifetime Limited Warranties to ensure that our customers have a product that lasts for decades to come. The windows are meant to function and stay energy efficient for life. 


Final Thoughts

A Picture Window is a large window with a set frame which offers unobstructed views like you’re looking at a picture. They are energy efficient, beautiful, and functional. If you have a picture window and would like it replaced, or if you have a large window you’d like to replace with a picture window you can contact our experts today for your free quote. We hope you enjoyed today’s article. Thank you for reading, and we will see you next week for some more information about another one of our products.