
Ron Swanson’s Home Improvement Guide

Ron Swanson needs no introduction, for his reputation proceeds him. What else proceeds him is his wicked woodworking and home improvement skills.

Who could forget when he fixed April and Andy’s light in their bathroom at the Halloween party? With so many great skills shown on Parks and Recreation it’s not wonder that we trust him to take over this next article. Here’s Ron himself with some advice from episode “Meet N’ Greet” in season 4 episode 5 . . .

     “No home is complete without a proper toolbox. Here’s April and Andy’s:”

     “A hammer, half of a pretzel, baseball card, some cartridge that says ’Sonic and Hedgehog’, a scissor half, and a flashlight. Filled with jelly beans.”

Rule 1: Get a proper toolbox. In addition, fill it with tools that help you to get the job done. Make sure you know how to use the tools properly. Usually this requires you to spend some money initially to get the right tools that can help with anything. Screwdrivers, hammers, tape measure, pliers, utility knife and blades, adjustable wrenches, stiff blade putty knife, straight edge and square, mill file and power drill with heads are all good starts to your first tool kit.     

Ron Swanson again . . .

    “Hard Work Is Important”

Rule 2: Therefore, be vigilant and thorough. Take care to measure everything with care. Take your time and pay attention to the details. For instance Ron Swanson gets things done right the first time, he never redoes a project. You can use this in your real life too, measure twice, cut once. With this much attention to detail you’ll get your job done right the first time too.   

     “Make Stuff With Your Hands”

Rule 3: Do all the work yourself with your hands. Your self worth is directly proportional to your effort. Your home looks better or worse by you working on it.

     “I know more than you”

Rule 4: Learn as much about home improvement on your own. Know more than every other person at the home improvement store that way you don’t have to rely on other people’s knowledge to get the job done. This way you’ll be an expert and others can look to you for advice.

     “Be A Man”

Rule 5: Ron Swanson said this best when he made his scout guide. Be a man. Men don’t complain. Men don’t question what they are doing. They get the job done right and proper. They work on their project all day if they have to get the job done. What does it mean to just Be A Man. If you have to have more of an explanation you’re not a Real Man.

Rule 6: Finally, choose a quality product. You’re in luck because that is exactly what we provide here at Conservation Construction.  If you are interested in windows, siding or doors give us a call or inquire on line for a free estimate.

In conclusion, you can see all these things seen on parks and rec are practical for real life applications. If you need a refresher course on how to be a better at home improvement just start watching Parks and Rec. There is also a lot of great advice on how to be a better person from Ron himself. If you don’t have time to watch the show, look to Ron Swanson’s Pyramid of Greatness. As a result you’ll get a good laugh from it and some semi-good advice.  

As always we appreciate your time and attention reading this article.

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