
Simple Home Improvement Ideas

Home Improvement Tip Monday, Tips For Home Improvement, Conservation Construction,

Simple Home Improvement Ideas

These simple home improvement ideas are so easy anybody can accomplish them. I’m keeping them so simple that you won’t have to do any major renovations to get them done. So, let’s get right into this article today. 

The first thing I recognize when I walk in to anybody’s house is the smell. It’s the first thing that hits your nose. The expression goes you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Although I disagree with this when meeting people, I would have to agree with it when my nose explores a new location.

The first and best way to improve your home in an easy way is to simply clean. Some people love to clean unfortunately, I am not one of those individuals. I do see cleaning, however, as a necessity though. I don’t want my guests to walk in my house and think I’m a slob. Most people out there feel the same way about their home I’m sure. Vacuuming, wiping off the counters, dusting, and just taking the trash out when it’s time can keep the air in your home smelling fresh and clean. Plus, it it just feels good to see the results of your labor right away. See, easy tip one is done!

My second easy tip for home improvement goes along with the first. If you have a candle, light it. I love it when I walk into a home which smells fresh or like the season. Candles are such a good way to invite people into your home and make them feel welcome. If it reminds them of a smell it can even go as far as making them feel comfortable too. Since candles are so inexpensive and they really waft through the entire house, it’s a great cheap way to create a nice ambiance. 

The third tip is a little more “Hippie.” For those of you who aren’t into rearranging furniture so your house flows better, please skip to the next paragraph and pick up with home improvement tip number four. For those of you who do like to have cohesion throughout the house, here is home improvement tip number three; try to place your furniture in a way that makes sense.

For an example I will tell you about the home we bought. The entire living room is square, yet, the person had purchased a round table to fit into the space. This didn’t make a ton of sense to me as the table wasn’t utilizing the space to the best of its ability. There was a ton of open areas near the corners of the room. I encourage you to look at the space and place your furniture so that guests can walk around easily without have to dodge chairs just to get to the restroom or kitchen areas. A open floor flowy plan will definitely help you and your guests out.

Easy tip number four; let there be light. To be blunt I don’t like going into another person’s house that is dark and dingy. Sorry if this is you, but I can’t help but wonder why people keep their houses so shrouded in darkness. Your guests will appreciate being able to see outside. Plus, natural light gives the illusion of a happier healthier home. Literally in a recent study published in the journal for Microbiome, rooms which were exposed to sunlight had fewer germs than rooms which were kept dark. This just helps you out with home improvement step number one previously mentioned.   

Our final home improvement idea is to place objects around the home that remind you of home. This could be plants, pictures, signs, and more. All of this makes a house a home. These are easy objects you can pick up at the grocery store or hobby lobby. 

In conclusion, remember cleaning, ambiance, open windows and an easy to move around space are simple ways to improve your home.

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