
Warning: You’re Losing Money By Not Updating Your Windows

Old Windows = Energy Loss, Read the article. conservation construction,

Warning: You’re Losing Money By Not Updating Your Windows

During this hot summer heat it’s important to note that 30% of all your energy efficiency could be going right outside if you’ve still got old windows. That’s right. Have you ever wondered why your AC is constantly running and it always feels hot in your home. It could be because all that cold air is escaping through the cracks. In today’s article we’re going to cover just how crucial new windows can be in your home’s overall energy efficiency, and how to prevent yourself from paying astronomical energy bills throughout the summer and all year long. 


 The Reason Old Windows Cost Money

  • Gaps: gaps in old windows can occur quite frequently. This is especially common when you have old aluminum or metal frames which expand and contract with the sun. This means that gaps can occur along the side of the frame itself or cause the glass to come away from the frame. If you have these gaps, breezes, bugs – anything really- can get inside your home and drag down the energy efficiency. Not to mention these windows aren’t really safe either. 
  • Lost Insulation: Due to what I just mentioned above old windows have a common problem of lost insulation seals. The insulation seal is a critical component in your windows ability to stop air infiltration and create insulation between the outside and the inside of your home. Usually, when a window is properly insulated it carries a pocket of air or gas between the panes of glass to ensure protection against harsh weather like beating sun, wind, and rain. If the seal is broken however, it can cause condensation between the glass, let wind, water and heat in easily. If you’ve got any of these problems it means that it’s even more likely that the money you’re pumping into your house from AC or Furnace is going right out the window
  • No Low-E Coatings: Windows made before the early 1990s typically didn’t have the energy efficient glass coatings that today’s windows have. These glass coatings use silver to reflect the harmful UV rays heat back outside. If your windows are void of these coatings they let a lot of heat in. This results in people having to close their blinds all day or just pay to run the AC all day. Old windows with no coatings can truly contribute to a higher energy bill.


How New Windows Give Your Home Overall Energy Efficiency

New Windows give your home overall energy efficiency because of the opposite of everything listed above. They are made from Vinyl so they do not expand or contract with the sun. They have Low-E Coatings which reflect the sun back outwards and keep your home a more stable temperature all year round. Finally the frames are filled with specialized gases to ensure better insulation. 

The Conservation Window

The Window from Conservation Construction gives you even more than the average modern window. Unlike other windows on the market today our windows come with a specialized Argon gas mixture which means that they insulate even better than other windows which typically use just argon or air between the panes. In addition, our windows use a specialized Low-E glass coating which is better at reflecting light than other standard Low-E coatings. This means they save you even more money on your home energy costs which is pretty nifty. Conservation Windows have been known to save the average homeowner up to 40% Off their energy costs. 


Final Thoughts

Stop letting old windows drag down your home’s energy efficiency. Stop paying to cool your home and have it all go out the window. Get more steady room temperatures all year round by switching to energy efficient windows today. Remember that Conservation windows give you better overall energy efficiency and stable temperatures all year round than other windows on the market today. You can get your free quote for new windows by clicking here. We hope you’ve learned a lot about home window replacement in today’s article. We can’t wait to have you as a reader next time.