
When To Replace Your Patio Doors

When To Replace Your Patio Doors, Conservation Construction,

When To Replace Your Patio Doors

Patio Doors let in a lot of natural light into a space and provide easy access to your backyard or patio. Eventually though, your patio door will need to be replaced. If you’ve been considering replacing your patio door, you should know when the time is right. Here are just some of the factors to consider when thinking about whether or not it’s time to replace your patio door. Keep reading to learn more. 


Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Patio Door

If you’ve noticed your monthly energy costs going up and up over time, it could be due to an inefficient Patio Doors. Most people don’t realize how much energy can slip through the cracks of an old Patio Door. Today’s patio doors are much better at insulating homes than their predecessors, so if your energy bills are on the rise, it’s worth considering a replacement. Additionally, over time, weather stripping, insulating gas, and other components can affect all the energy saving properties.

If you see condensation stuck between the glass it means that the insulating gas seal has been broken, and the door is no longer doing its job properly.  Gaps and cracks in the frame of your patio door are not only unsightly, but they can also let in drafts and cause your energy bills to skyrocket. If you notice any cracks or gaps, it’s time to invest in a new door. These are all good things to keep in mind when examining your own door. 


Benefits Of A New Patio Door

The top benefit of a new Patio Door is that it can reduce your energy costs by up to 40%. Old drafty doors can allow heat to escape in the winter and cool air to escape in the summer. New patio doors are better at protecting your home against air infiltration. New doors seal in the energy you’re placing into your home. They keep the energy inside, lowering your energy costs and keeping your home at a more stable temperature all year long. New patio doors are also a great way to protect your home. New locks are advanced and make it harder for intruders to break in. Finally, a new patio door can also help to improve the appearance of your home. An old patio door can be an eyesore, while a new patio door can add beauty and value to your home.


Your Options

There are so many supreme options when choosing a new patio door. You need to consider how the door swings. Do you want a sliding glass door, or would you prefer a French style Patio Door? Each type of door has its own benefits and you should take this into consideration before purchasing. They also have multiple options for glass, hardware, and material and these should also be considered when choosing a new patio door. 



Because new Patio Doors come with easy sliders and Easy Clean Coating, you won’t have to do much maintenance to keep up their beauty and functionality. All of our doors are backed by lifetime limited warranties to ensure that you door will have class and last! 


Final Thoughts

Replacing your patio door is a big investment in your home. You’ll get better functionality, beauty, and energy efficiency when you switch to a new door with Conservation Construction. If you are in need of a free quote for new patio door replacement you can visit our website here for more information. Thank you for reading, and please comment below!