
Window Replacement

Window Replacement Denver, Denver Replacement Windows, New Windows

Window Replacement


Life’s too short to be staring at dirty dingy old windows all day. I’m speaking from personal experience here. Such a simple home improvement project can make our day sunnier and happier. New windows can even help you spend less on energy costs. Keep reading to learn more about how new windows can accomplish all of this. 


Improve Mood

When we first moved into our current home the windows were an absolute disaster. There were cracks in the glass, holes in the frames, fog stuck between the glass, and old aluminum. I literally could feel the breeze coming in on days when it was windy. One time when we were out of town we came back to water all over our hardwood floors because the gaps were so big and it had been raining outside. I didn’t realize this but that entire situation was affecting my mood. I couldn’t see the landscape outside of my house without having to see the awful condition my windows were in. It dragged down my happiness on a daily basis. 

The best part about the new windows I got from Conservation Construction was hands down how it improved my mood. I could see outside and appreciate the lavender bushes outside. We could go out of town for a couple of days and not worry about our house getting water logged from all the holes. There was natural sunlight that came in that brightened my mood without having to stare at cracked and fog glass. It’s like the windows were my very own counseling session. They improved my mood so much. This is just one of the benefits you can get out of new windows too if you have the same issues going on. 


Sun Without The Heat

Not only will new windows from Conservation Construction improve your mood, they will give you increased visibility without compromising the temperature inside your home. It’s neat that our company uses Low-E glass coating. This coating is practically invisible to the naked eye, but it creates a barrier between your home and the harsh UV rays. Believe me in Colorado the rays can get quite intense. This coating bounces the UV rays back outside while still allowing the sun to shine through. This means you’ll get more stable temperatures year round, while still experiencing all that gorgeous sunlight. 


Decreased Spending

My energy bills decreased in both the Summer and Winter months due to the incredible insulation we place in the frames. In fact, most customers who choose Windows see a decrease in their energy costs by up to 40% off.  This has got to be something that will also make you smile and improve your mood. I know it improved mine when we got new windows. 


Final Thoughts

With new windows now I can just stare out and enjoy the view without having to worry about all the ugliness that got in the way before. You too can have beautiful views, increased energy efficiency, and decreased spending. Contact us today for a set of new windows and truly see how they can make a difference in your life everyday. We can’t wait to hear from you so please comment below about the condition of your windows. Remember, life is too short to be staring at old dirty windows all day!