
Windows That Let In Light but Not The Heat

Windows That Let In The Light But Not The Heat, Conservation Construction,

Windows That Let In Light but Not The Heat


Windows can be designed to let natural light in while minimizing the amount of heat that enters a building. This can be achieved through a combination of factors like the way the windows are engineered with glazing materials, coatings, and energy efficient frames. Here’s how it works . . .


Window Orientation

The orientation of windows plays a significant role in controlling heat gain. In hot climates, windows that face east and west receive direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day. To minimize heat gain, it’s better to have windows on those sides especially that are energy efficient. 


Glazing Materials

Window glazing (the glass part of the window) can have different properties that affect how much heat is transmitted. Windows like the ones we sell at Conservation Construction have multiple Low-emissivity (low-e) coatings that are applied to the glass to reflect infrared heat while allowing visible light to pass through. Our windows have an astonishing 4 layers of this low-e coating to protect your home from the heat and infrared. 


Solar Reflective Coatings

These coatings are solar reflective films that reflect a portion of the sunlight and heat. These coatings can block a significant amount of infrared radiation, which is responsible for heating up spaces. You can count on our 



Natural ventilation, like the kind we offer on our new operable windows, can help create cross-ventilation and promote airflow, allowing warm air to escape and cooler air to enter the building.


Insulated Frames

In addition to the glazing, the window frames are also well-insulated to prevent heat from transferring through the frame material. Old aluminum frames expand and contract with the heat causing seals to break. New Vinyl Frames don’t expand or contract with the heat and are filled on the sides and top with foam to create even better insulation. 


Energy-Efficient Windows

All of the windows at Conservation Construction are energy efficient and come with all of the things listed above. 


Final Thoughts

By combining these elements, our windows allow natural light to enter while minimizing heat gain. If you are in need of new window replacement you can visit our website today for your free quote. Thank you for reading the article and we will see you next week for another one.